Which Crayfish Species are Allowed in Colorado?

    Under regulation #012.C.2 and #012.D.2, only the following crayfish species are allowed in the state:

    • Allowed east of the continental divide: virile crayfish, waternymph crayfish, calico crayfish, ringed crayfish and southern plains crayfish.
    • Allowed on either side of the Continental Divide: freshwater shrimp, commercially available brine shrimp, and commercially available krill.

    In addition to those species, any Food Production Facility may possess redclaw crayfish.

    How Do Other States Regulate Non-Native Crayfish?

    Many states across the nation have adopted regulations that prohibit the import of non-native and invasive crayfish species out of concern that escaped or intentionally released crayfish could easily become established, outcompete native crayfish species, and change native aquatic systems.

    About half of Colorado’s surrounding states have regulations in place that completely prohibit the import of non-native crayfish species. The other half of surrounding states have regulations in place that allow for the importation of certain species with the requirement that they may only be possessed for human consumption, generally within a certain timeframe requirement.